Friday, February 22, 2013

Canned Pep Email from Ebay

Ebay sent this email.  It's a canned pep email saying how great things are going for me.  Well it's not my stats that they claim.  I didn't send anything overseas for the Holidays and I had one free shipping item for that same holiday season!  HaHa  they are to funny.. this email is telling me you are doing a great job see...  so when they want to raise fees they can say but we are making it possible for you to do this well.  But these are NOT my numbers at all.  I thought maybe it's was over all ebay sellers but its "your" all over the email.  I take that as me and only me. 

your 2012 numbers were stellar

Your 2012 sales increase over 201190%

Your 2012 holiday* sales over 201117%

Your holiday transactions paid by mobile 12%

Your holiday listings with international shipping 63%

Your holiday listings with free shipping 81%

Ebay if you are reading this no matter what you say in email and no matter what you want me to believe if you raise any of my fees I won't like it.  I feel it is unfair what you take for fees.  I don't believe we should have to pay to list at all.  I feel that charging the same fees for shipping as for the sale of the item is not right.  I don't think charging me a fee to cancel an auction when a buyer requests it.  I feel the Parcel Post slip up was a gigantic mistake that the sellers are suffering through.  Ebay nearly forced us to print labels online through Paypal (which ebay owns) and then tell us "oh you can't print the new Parcel type labels through the service we want you to use".  Hey it's not a surprise this was going to happen they knew it at, they updated their software to work with Parcel Select on time.  AND ebay waits until 3 days before the new service which we couldn't print to tell us.  I had just over 140 new listings and didn't know what to do.  It was a wasted day figuring out what to do.  But did Ebay care, nope.  Ebay you need to help your sellers we pay for it dearly.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It Finally Happened

It finally happened the United States Postal Service will end it's Saturday delivery service on Saturday August 5 2013.  I know they spoke about this maybe happening but I just didn't think it would happen.  Well they released the news today.  I didn't know this happened before 1947 and again in 1957 so perhaps this will be temporary.  Packages will still be delivered..  so they will be still doing a route?  Will they still be sorting the mail?  Is this saving a lot of money by doing this half way?  When there is a Monday holiday we won't get mail or be able to mail anything for 3 days?  That is along time.  Every year we painfully go through the raise in postage. Believe me the penny more for a postal stamp is not painful but when your selling online it's more then a penny.  Selling slows down right after the raise but it does come back after awhile.  Thank Goodness.  However when is it going to be enough?  Well it should be interesting in August. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Awful Commercial

You might not want to relive this so don't click on it.  Who at GoDaddy OK'd something so terrible!  This was gross~ a total miss.  However it was memorable, it's that the whole idea with commercials.