My Son
My Hero
On Saturday we were invited to a graduation party of a family friend. My husband was upnorth and late getting back, so Philip went to the party ahead of us. When hubby came home we left for the party. As we were walking up the drive way to the party I could hear yelling and I saw Philip from behind and he was all wet and yelling about something. By the time I got up there I realized that the family friends grandson who is 2 was also all wet. And it was becoming clearer that Philip had just pulled him from the pond. Philip had found the little boy floating face down in their pond. Philip had pulled him out of the water saving his life. The little boy wondered away from the party and some how got into the pond. The little boy is fine, he has some water in his lungs and a bit shaken by all the fussing over him. Philip was shaking like you wouldn't believe. This was the second time he saved someone's life. Earlier in the year, Philip stopped a friend from suicide. Philip is now a guardian angel to 2 people. I always knew my son was special and I love him so much. I'm the luckiest person to have him in my life every single day.
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