Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We painted yesterday.  I wanted to hire someone to paint, because neither my husband or I wanted to paint the high ceiling.  Well he was laid off this week, so he said get the paint.  So I picked up the paint Friday and Saturday Mom and I taped off everything.  We moved what we could.  Then Monday morning Mom came and we painted.  It took 8 hours and 3 people but we have it done.  It looks great.  We used Pittsburgh Gran Distinction Egg Shell  and the color is Brandied Pear.  It looks really nice.  Even with the refrigerator, stove, outlets and light switches being white, it looks good.  However I'm not thrilled with the paint and my black and white clock.  I guess I will have to live with it because I love my big clock.  I will try to get pictures posted soon.  It's early morning right now and it's to dark to get good pictures.  Today we are going to go and order flooring and the Quartz.  We will pick up the light fixtures, dishwasher and what is need for hook up, so hubby can get that hooked up. 

Get this one, I'm planning on buying the dishwasher at Lowes.  Well we were told by the sales person that we need to get a permit for the dishwasher!!  This is for all new installs of dishwashers, if there wasn't one before.  I was shocked to hear this.  I have never heard of such a thing.  Lowes sells the permits for $40.  You must have one when they come or they won't do the hook up.  If you don't the fine is $80.  Well I find it hard to believe that the $40 for the permit will get to my county.  And I don't see anyone from my county coming to see if I have a permit.  This is crazy.  So my husband will hook it up and install it.  I will take my chances with a fine when the county comes to do an assessment.

We will order the Dura Ceramic floor today the carpet (still haven't settled which, but I will today) and the Quartz countertop.

The back splash tile I want is in stock at Home Depot.  But I have to find someone to install it.   Next update coming soon... 

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